Are you consistently living your personal brand? When others see you in action, do they get an accurate picture of who you are, your abilities, and your potential? The fact is, people – including your organization’s leadership – develop perceptions of you largely based on what they see you do. In order to develop a reputation that is in line with your desired personal brand, be proactive about engaging in activities and taking on assignments that give you opportunities to leverage your strengths and operate at your very best. Be intentional about what you do and how you do it. Help others see the true you. Live your personal brand everyday.
What do you want to be known for, and what can you do to demonstrate these attributes? Start by being clear about your personal brand, keeping in mind that it needs to authentically reflect who you truly are at your very best. From there, consistently act in accordance with your personal brand. If you want to be viewed as a leader, develop and mentor others, share your vision and strategic thinking, and volunteer to step up and lead a meeting or a project team. If you want to be seen as innovative, make it a point to share new ideas and work on cutting edge projects. If you want to be known as reliable, always follow through on your commitments on time and as promised. Opportunities to live your personal brand are everywhere. Build the reputation that will help you create the career you want.
More information on this tip can be found in Lead Your Way: Practical Coaching Advice for Creating the Career You Want