Manage Your Career

Who do you think is responsible for managing your career? Do you think your boss is responsible? Or perhaps your coach or advisor? Are you assuming that someone in your organization will make sure you have career opportunities and will notice and reward you for your successes? The truth is that there is only one person you can count on to consistently look out for your career, and that’s you. You are the only one who can manage your career, so know what you want, capitalize on your strengths, and create your opportunities. Don’t wait for someone else to make things happen for you. Take the initiative and manage your career proactively and strategically.

Set aside time to think and chart your career path. Review your current assignments. If you’re working alone, how can you make sure that those above you recognize your contributions and see the value you add? If you’re on a team, what can you do to step forward as a leader and help the team succeed? If you normally spend your commute mindlessly scrolling through email or social media, could you use that time to add to your skill inventory instead? What can you do to put yourself in a position to attract a sponsor or develop a mentor? What can you do to better live your personal brand?  You are your own Career Manager – embrace the role wholeheartedly and create the career you want.

More information on this tip, and others, can be found in Lead Your Way: Practical Coaching Advice for Creating the Career You Want

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