Consider The Whole

Do you ever wonder whether the career you’re pursuing is worth the price you’re paying in your personal life? When you have to choose between spending hours at work, spending time with your friends and family, or engaging in activities you care about, like volunteering or working out, what do you do? You are more than just your work. You are a whole person, and both your personal and professional life deserve attention and consideration. Make conscious decisions to create the whole life that you desire. Recognize that your priorities may change over time, and taking care of your whole person will allow you to be your best, no matter where you are or what you are doing.

How can you make time for the things that matter the most to you? What boundaries are you willing to draw? What tradeoffs are you willing to make? What are you willing to ask for? If you are working so hard that you think you can’t possibly make time for your personal priorities, look around and see if you can identify other people who are managing to have what you believe you can’t. What can you learn from their example? If you assume that what you want is possible, how would you go about making it happen? If you’re struggling to find time to exercise, consider walking, running, or biking to work, join a nearby gym so you can stop there before heading home, or simply go for a walk over lunch. Be creative. Take care of your whole self while you are pursuing your career goals.

More information on this tip can be found in Lead Your Way: Practical Coaching Advice for Creating the Career You Want

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